Nomad Cook
Liberación Sandía
de lugares

Price in Mexican Pesos. A discount will apply in checkout depending on number of students.

Clase de cocina mexicana vegetariana

$1,800.00 6 hours

Mexican food has a big tradition of plant-based meals and soups

La cocina mexicana es famosa en el mundo por su tradición. Es una fusión de los ingredientes y técnicas ancestrales y las influencias de los colonizadores de España. Luego, más tarde incorporó aspectos de la gastronomía árabe y francesa debido a las olas de inmigración que llegaron a México. En esta clase vamos a explorar eso.

Join us in a fun ride to our kitchen in the Etla Valley, north of Oaxaca City to share the table over cooking and eating. We are going to start buying our ingredients at the market to use later for cooking. We will buy the ingredients we are going to use later for the cooking class, then we’ll drive to our cooking studio in the Etla Valley to get a deeper introduction to the ingredients and dishes we are going to prepare. Remember to contact me before booking your experience so that I can make the proper modifications to the menu according to your food restrictions or preferences. Once we are settled and refreshed with some fresh Aguas Frescas (flavored infused traditional drink) we are going to start preparing the food, I’ll assign to the participants different tasks and responsibilities in order to achieve our main goal; having our three-course-meal menu prepared. When the food is ready, we are going to share the table and finish the journey while enjoying the delicious things we worked on. Remember that some dishes could be modified to fit diet requirements like vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and others.

La comida mexicana más antigua es compatible con el veganismo

Los alimentos ancestrales de México son en su mayoría de origen vegetal. Su base está compuesta por una gran variedad de maíz, frijoles, chiles y otras hierbas como Quelites y flores

Incluso cuando la comida mexicana tuvo una influencia significativa de la colonización española y dio origen a la gastronomía que conocemos hoy en día, podemos reemplazar todos los ingredientes que tienen un origen animal. Podemos adaptar muchos de los platos a los requerimientos donde queremos evitar esos ingredientes.

Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre esto, no dudes en enviarme un mensaje. Incluye todas tus dudas o preocupaciones sobre los platos e ingredientes incluidos en este taller.

We had the pleasure of attending one of Luis’ cooking classes in Oaxaca. Luis is an exceptional cook and guide. From start to finish, his meticulous attention to detail, accommodating nature, and unique menu concept made this experience truly special. Not only did Luis introduce us to fascinating cooking techniques, but he also went above and beyond to answer all our questions and provide invaluable insights into Oaxaca and its surroundings. We began our culinary adventure by purchasing ingredients at a local market, a delightful and authentic experience made even more enjoyable by being with a local. This cooking class offers a captivating immersion into Oaxacan cuisine that shouldn’t be missed. I would recommend the class to everyone who is eager to learn something about Mexican cuisine and culture.


My friends and I had an amazing time at Luis’ cooking class! I appreciated how hands-on the experience was, we really learned techniques that we could use at home in our own kitchens. The food was delicious, so flavorful, and we even made tortillas from scratch (including nixtamalization of the corn!) We also went to the market, took mini field trips around the neighborhood, and discussed regional culture and food systems. I would definitely recommend this class and would like to take another workshop from Nomad Cook in the future!

Kaia H.

Otras clases de cocina

Vamos a trabajar la técnica ancestral de la nixtamalización para aprender a hacer tortillas desde cero. Haremos salsas para acompañar este delicioso alimento de México.

Vamos a preparar moles tradicionales dejando fuera la manteca y el caldo de pollo. Los sabores de los chiles, semillas y frutas serán los encargados de dar el sabor a estos deliciosos platillos.